The O.C.
The series centers on Ryan Atwood, a troubled youth from a broken home who is adopted by the wealthy and philanthropic Sandy and Kirsten Cohen. Ryan and his surrogate brother Seth, a socially awkward yet quick-witted teenager, deal with life as outsiders in the high-class world of Newport Beach. Ryan and Seth spend much time navigating their relationships with girl-next-door Marissa Cooper, Seth’s childhood crush Summer Roberts, and the fast-talking loner Taylor Townsend. Story lines deal with the culture clash between the idealistic Cohen family and the shallow, materialistic, and closed-minded community in which they reside. The series includes elements of postmodernism, and functions as a mixture of melodrama and comedy.
Views: 1740
Director: Josh Schwartz
Actors: Adam Brody, Autumn Reeser, Ben McKenzie, Kelly Rowan, Melinda Clarke, Mischa Barton, Peter Gallagher, Rachel Bilson, Tate Donovan, Willa Holland
Studio: Fake Empire Productions, Warner Bros. Television, Wonderland Sound and Vision