Yellow Submarine
The Blue Meanies take over Pepperland, draining it of all its color and music, firing anti-music missiles, bonking people with green apples, and turning the inhabitants to stone by way of the pointed finger of a giant blue glove. As the only survivor, the Lord Admiral escapes in the yellow submarine and goes to Liverpool to enlist the help of the Beatles.
Views: 348
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Musical
Director: George Dunning
Actors: Dick Emery, Geoffrey Hughes, John Clive, Lance Percival, Paul Angelis, The Beatles
Keywords:A sárga tengeralattjáró Beatles Yellow Submarine Den gule undervandsbåd El submarino amarillo Gul gul är vår undervattningsbåt Keltainen sukellusvene O Submarino Amarelo Submarino Amarelo The Beatles: Желтая подводная лодка The Beatles' Yellow Submarine To kitrino ypovryhio Yellow Submarine Yellow Submarine - Il sottomarino giallo Zlutá ponorka Zólta lódz podwodna