The Final Countdown
In 1980, the US Navy’s most powerful warship, the USS Nimitz, is caught in a storm during routine manoeuvres in the Pacific. Enveloped by a strange green light, the ship passes through a vortex and when they emerge, their communications have been cut off. The ship’s Captain (Kirk Douglas) sends out a patrol and the F-14 pilots are shocked to encounter vintage Japanese warplanes.
Views: 822
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, War
Director: Don Taylor, Lynn A. Aber
Actors: Alvin Ing, Charles Durning, James Coleman, James Farentino, Joe Lowry, Katharine Ross, Kirk Douglas, Martin Sheen, Ron O'Neal, Soon-Tek Oh, Victor Mohica
Keywords:A Contagem Final Aeroplanoforo 'Nimitz': Epistrofi stin Kolasi Aeroplanoforo Nimitz: Epistrofi apo tin Kolasi Beklenmeyen Baskin Countdown - Dimensione zero Der letzte Countdown El final de la cuenta atrás Hurrikaani Jeszcze raz Pearl Harbor Konačno odbrojavanje Koncowe odliczanie La cuenta final La Cuenta Regresiva Nimitz Nimitz: De Volta ao Inferno Numărătoarea inversă O Nimitz Volta ao Inferno Odbrojavanje na Nimicu Odstevanje na Nimitzu Poslednje odbrojavanje retour vers l'enfer Tajemná záre nad pacifikem The Final Countdown Timmen noll U.S.S Nimitz - forsvunnet i Stillehavet U.S.S. Nimitz: Lost in the Pacific USS Nimitz - forsvundet i Stillehavet Végső visszaszámlálás Αεροπλανοφόρο Νίμιτς: Επιστροφή στην κόλαση Последний отсчет Последният старт