Barry is an asthmatic kid having trouble in life. He lives with his father, a computer programmer, in Texas. Barry is struggling to get by in life, dealing with his rough school life, bullies, as well as his health. Barry’s only source of enjoyment is fantasizing that he is with Chuck Norris. Barry becomes sick of getting picked on by the bigger guys, and decides to learn karate.
Views: 377
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Family
Director: Aaron Norris
Actors: Beau Bridges, Chuck Norris, Danica McKellar, Dennis Burkley, Gerrit Graham, Joe Piscopo, John Buchanan, Jonathan Brandis, Julia Nickson, Mako, Richard Moll
Keywords:A bajnok és a kölyök Dobri drugari Golpe Duplo Juntos para vencer Kumple Mistr kickboxu Pugno d'acciaio Sidekicks - yhdessä voittamattomat Unidos para Vencer Парный удар Партньори