X-Men, also known as X-Men: The Animated Series, is an American-Canadian animated television series which debuted on October 31, 1992, in the United States on the Fox Network as part of its Fox Kids Saturday morning lineup. X-Men was Marvel Comics’ second attempt at an animated X-Men TV series after the pilot X-Men: Pryde of the X-Men was not picked up.
The series as a whole is available for streaming at Marvel.com.
Views: 176
Genre: Action, Action & Adventure, Animation, Family, Sci-Fi, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Thriller
Director: Eric Lewald, Jack Kirby, Len Wein, Mark Edward Edens, Sidney Iwanter, Stan Lee
Actors: Alison Sealy-Smith, Alyson Court, Cathal J. Dodd, Catherine Disher, Cedric Smith, Chris Potter, George Buza, Lally Cadeau, Lenore Zann, Norm Spencer