Post Grad
Ryden Malby has a master plan. Graduate college, get a great job, hang out with her best friend and find the perfect guy. But her plan spins hilariously out of control when she’s forced to move back home with her eccentric family.
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Director: Anthony J. Nahar, Barry L. Caldwell, Jason Blumenfeld, Tricia Ronten, Vicky Jenson
Actors: Alexis Bledel, Bobby Coleman, Carol Burnett, Catherine Reitman, J.K. Simmons, Jane Lynch, Mary Anne McGarry, Michael Keaton, Robert Arce, Rodrigo Santoro, Zach Gilford
Keywords:(Traum)Job gesucht A Vida Por Um Canudo Absolwentka Det perfekta livet Diploma után La bachelière Laureata... e adesso? Odigos epiviosis meta to kolegio Recém-Formada Recién graduada Sa diplomom u dzepu Sanjska sluzba Sobreviviendo a la graduación Što nakon diplome? The Post Grad Survival Guide Ticket to Ride Vastavalmistunut Yeni mezun Οδηγός Επιβίωσης Μετά το Κολέγιο Школа выживания выпускников