Against the backdrop of simmering racial tensions within her rural English town, the life of eleven year old Hannah changes forever when she meets a boy from a mysterious and forbidden world.
Lukas, 20, is a prisoner in his own body. As a pre-op transgendered person, he is constantly finding himself trapped in uncomfortable, compromising positions. His best friend, Ine introduces him…
The Israeli-Jewish side of his family calls him Avram. The Palestinian-Muslim side Ibrahim. His first-generation American agnostic lawyer parents call him Abraham. But the 12-year-old kid from Brooklyn who loves…
Little Miss Sunshine
A family loaded with quirky, colorful characters piles into an old van and road trips to California for little Olive to compete in a beauty pageant.
After We Leave
A sci-fi drama about a man struggling to find his wife, who he abandoned six years ago, before their visa to emmigrate to an off-world colony expires.
The Bitter Tea of General Yen
An American missionary is gradually seduced by a courtly warlord holding her in Shanghai.