Jannat 2
Jannat 2 is a Bollywood crime thriller film and a sequel to the 2008 hit film, Jannat. The film is directed by Kunal Deshmukh, and produced by Mukesh Bhatt and Mahesh Bhatt under the Vishesh Films’ banner. Emraan Hashmi, Randeep Hooda, Imran Zahid and Esha Gupta will feature in lead roles.
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Director: Kunal Deshmukh
Actors: Ajay Kumar Verma, Ajay Verma, Brijendra Kala, Deepak Kohli, Emraan Hashmi, Esha Gupta, Manish Chaudhary, Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub, Randeep Hooda, Rohit Pathak, Viren Basoya
Keywords:Jannat 2