Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan
The Big Apple’s in big trouble, as indestructible psycho-fiend Jason Vorhees hits the road to New York City. After a shocking return from beyond the grave, the diabolical Jason ships out abroad a teen-filled “love boat” bound for New York, which he soon transforms into the ultimate voyage of the damned. Then one of his terrified victims escapes into the nightmarish maze of Manhattan’s subways and sewers, only to confront Jason one final time.
Views: 482
Genre: Adventure, Horror, Thriller
Director: Rob Hedden
Actors: Ace, Alex Diakun, Barbara Bingham, Fred Henderson, Jensen Daggett, Kane Hodder, Peter Mark Richman, Tiffany Paulsen, Tim Mirkovich, Todd Caldecott, Warren Munson
Keywords:8. deo - Džejson na Menhetnu Ashes to Ashes chapitre 8: Jason à Manhattan der 13. Teil 8 - Todesfalle Manhattan Fredagen den 13:e del 8 Freitag Friday the 13th Part 8 Friday the 13th Part 8: Jason in N.Y. Friday the 13th Part 8: Jason Takes Manhattan Friday the 13th Part VIII Friday the 13th: Jason Takes Manhattan - Part 8 Friday the 13th: Part VIII - Jason Manhattanilla l'ultime retour Martes 13 Martes 13 VIII: Jason Toma Manhattan Paraskevi kai 13 No 8: Tromos sto Manhattan parte VIII: Jason invade Manhattan parte VIII: Jason toma Manhattan Pátek trináctého 8 Pátek trináctého 8: Jason na Manhattanu Péntek 13. - VIII. rész: Jason Manhattan-ben Petak 13-ti Piątek trzynastego VIII: Jason zdobywa Manhattan Sexta-Feira 13 Parte 8: Jason Ataca Nova Iorque Sexta-Feira 13 Parte VIII - Terror em Manhattan Vendredi 13 Venerdì 13: parte VIII - Incubo a Manhattan Viernes 13 Viernes 13 Parte 8. Jason vuelve... Para siempre Viernes 13 VIII: Jason toma Manhattan Παρασκευή και 13 μέρος 8: Ο Τζέησον κυριεύει το Μανχάταν Петък 13-и: Част VIII-Джейсън превзема Манхатън Пятница 13 - Часть 8: Джейсон штурмует Манхэттен