A Mom For Christmas
The story revolves around 11-year-old Jessica (Juliet Sorcey), whose mother died when she was three years old. Her father Jim (Doug Sheehan) is a workaholic with little time for his daughter. Just before the Christmas holiday season, Jessica wins a free wish from a wishing well. Her wish for a mother for Christmas is granted by Philomena (Doris Roberts) and Amy (Newton-John), a department store mannequin, is brought to life to be a mom for Jessica.
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Genre: Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Director: George Miller, George T. Miller
Actors: Aubrey Morris, Brett Harrelson, Carmen Argenziano, Doris Roberts, Doug Sheehan, Elliot Moss Greenbaum, Erica Mitchell, Jesse Vincent, Jim Piddock, Juliet Sorci, Olivia Newton-John