One Hell of a Christmas
“One Hell of a Christmas” is a dark and action packed comedy that takes place in a modern city as well as in a fearful underworld. When Carlitos is released after doing 2 years of “hard time”, he attempts to redeem himself and sets an example for his 5 year-old son. However, when a friend confronts him with a very dark and horrifying scam for some quick dough and good times, he declines, but never the less he soon finds himself entangled in a web of sex, drugs and Christmas carols.
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Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Horror, Mystery
Director: Shaky González
Actors: Claus P. Jensen, David Bateson, Erik Holmey, Lasse Skou Lindstad, Maiken Gravlund, Pat Kelman, Rickie Thorsberg, Salah El Koussa, Thure Lindhardt, Tolo Montana, Zlatko Buric